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  • Writer's pictureLucy

Snow Day(s)!

A snow storm moved in late last week and gave us three days of cloudy skies, colder temperatures, and snow! About 6" fell and much of town shut down as people stayed off the slippery roads. The studio tour was postponed (hopefully a new date will be scheduled soon) and my busy weekend turned quiet and introspective.

Instead of tucking into the studio I found myself nesting--getting my home clean and organized. It wasn't a conscious choice, I just worked on one task which led to another and another. Before I knew it two days had passed.

I realized that all those little tasks I had been putting off and putting off were somehow creating static or background irritation and keeping me from getting "in the creative zone". Now that my home is nice and tidy I feel my creative juices starting to flow. So I'm going to sign off now and get in the studio. 😊

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