
Soft Pastel on Sennelier pastel board
Framed, 15" x 18"
$2,000 + taxes and s/h
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I'm taking back the word gossip!
After going on a deep dive into the history of the word "gossip" I've come out the other end a fierce defender of communication between women.
Briefly, back in the 12th century “godsibb” meant godparent or close friend. Basically it described talking between friends to share information about important matters of the day and applied to both women and men.
According to the online article "The History of Gossip" by Shae Garofalo:
Though gossiping was and still is a gender-neutral activity, women who gossiped in the Middle Ages tended to do so in the public eye, which made gossiping not only dangerous but shameful. Men still gossiped, the only difference was that they had the luxury of doing so in private. Additionally, because women had no option but to be jobless, they held little influence in society, so many men questioned the importance of female gossip. Women’s gossiping was deemed inappropriate and sinful, while men’s gossip was praised for bringing about ideas and sharing “important” information.
There is evidence to show that men found the idea of women talking together to be "too dangerous" to their grip on power. Since the 16th century men have systematically and brutally tried to keep women from talking to one another. Don't believe me? Look up "Scold's Bridle".
My painting celebrates the power and strength in women bonding and sharing information. When women stand united and share our stories we are powerful.
The yellow roses symbolize friendship while the pink lilies, tree of life, green nest, and elephant (under the phone) symbolize women, and the white dove represents love of one another and a hope for peace. Lastly the phone symbolizes communication between all the different pieces of the painting.