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  • Writer's pictureLucy

Professional Promo Photos!

artist in her studio
Lucy standing in her studio

[BLOG POST 09/17/23] Drumroll please...Announcing the official reveal of new professional photos of my studio, my process, and me by the very talented local photographer Makani!!!!

About a week ago Makani came over to my studio to take professional photos for me to use on my website, social media, applications, and gallery materials. I knew Makani was talented but had never posed for a photoshoot like this before so didn't know what to expect.

a photographer and her gear
Makani arrives for the photo shoot

Makani was GREAT! She arrived with all her gear and knew exactly what shots she wanted so moved quickly and effortlessly. Additionally she gave clear directions as to where I needed to stand, where I should look, and what I should do.

It was really fun.

And then she sent me the photos--WOW!!!

There are so many really truly good ones that it's been very hard to choose favorites! She managed to capture almost every aspect of my painting process: working with a mahl stick, black mirror, and view finder, sorting pastels, cleaning pastels on my smock, and even taking a break drinking tea and petting my dog Fennel. She also photographed studio details like my library, my daily art journal, and my stockpile of props for still life paintings.

To say I was impressed would be an understatement!!!!!

Plus it was fascinating to see my studio through her eyes. I wish I had done a professional shoot ages ago but it was worth waiting until I met Makani so I could work with her. ❤️

Here are a few of my favorite black and white photos:

collage of B&W photos
Favorite B&W photos

And here are a few of my favorite color photos:

collage of color photos
Favorite color photos

I have a LOT more photos that I love but these are pretty special.

Let me know which one(s) you like the best! 😊

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2 opmerkingen

03 feb.


The photographs that you posted are stunning! You and I have had conversations about the stories that photos often tell. Makani was able to capture your passion for art, your beauty, and the true essence of who you are. Amazing!


05 feb.
Reageren op

Thank you Laureen! I agree, Makani is very talented and I was honored to work with her on this project. And I agree that photos really can tell a story. ❤️

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